Versatile Freshness, Modern Innovation: Esse Exchange S Cigarettes

Perfect for individuals who appreciate variation and modernism, Esse Exchange cigarettes offer a flexible and creative smoking experience. These special cigarettes taste great and are made with a mix of premium tobacco. The creative capsule technology included in the filter distinguishes Esse Exchange S by enabling smokers to simply click to switch between a classic tobacco taste and a delightful menthol blast.

The dual-flavor function of Esse Exchange cigarettes is unique; it allows users to select their preferred taste at any moment of need. These smokes’ modern and energetic nature is reflected in the elegant and streamlined package, which appeals to every occasion. Esse Exchange cigarettes burn evenly and gently, so offering a long-lasting and pleasurable smoking experience from start to finish. Designed for constant performance.

  • Tar – 4mg
  • Nicotine – 0.4 mg.



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Esse Exchange S Esse Exchange S